Thursday, October 30, 2014
Review: Cellulite Cream with Retinol and Caffeine by Naturalico
Product Information:
CELLULITE CREAM with RETINOL & CAFFEINE - Get Rid of Cellulite ★ Best Skincare Treatment Body Cream for Skin Firming and Cellulite Reduction ★ Soothes The Skin & Overall Appearance of Skin is more Improved, Toned & Restored ★Clinically Proven To Eliminate Cellulite ★ Give You The Results You've Been Looking For ★ *** MADE IN USA By Naturalico ***
•1) Get Rid of Cellulite + Reduces the Appearance of Cellulite. Soothes the skin and helps it recover. MADE IN USA.
2) We are one of the products on the market that have the most Retinol & Caffeine.
3) - Best Skincare Treatment Body Cream for Skin Firming and Cellulite Reduction - Soothes The Skin &
Overall appearance of skin is improved, toned & restored. Skin becomes smoother & firmer - Clinically Proven To Eliminate Cellulite - Give You The Results You've Been Looking For.
Caffeine encourages the body to burn fatty tissue.
4) * Retinol enhances collagen production, encourages skin renewal and helps tighten and firm the skin. * L-Carnitine helps the body metabolize fat * Green Tea stimulates the release of stored fat * Glaucine which is Responsible For Decreasing Fat Deposits * Coenzyme-A breaks down fat and helps restore connective tissueActive Ingredient Glaucine and Caffeine which Contains Theophylline Helps Successfully Treat Cellulite and Decrease Cellulite Fat Deposits and Stretch Marks.
6 Active Anti-Cellulite powerhouse ingredients Caffeine, Retinol, L-Carnitine, Green Tea, Glaucine and Coenzyme-A work together to smooth those lumpy bumpy cottage cheese thighs and firm that jiggly butt.
Now You Can Turn to Firm and Vibrant Skin in Just a Few Short Weeks!
- Formulated with Clinically Proven Active Ingredients Caffeine and Retinol.
- Perfect for Reducing Your Cellulite caused by Pregnancy or Weight Loss.
- Revolutionary Anti-Cellulite Cream Returns the Firmer, Smoother You .
- You’ll Love the Refreshing Fragrance.
My review: We all, unfortunately, have cellulite and it has become one of the banes of my existence. I was thrilled to get this product to try in exchange for an honest and unbiased review although I am always skeptical about all these types of creams. It is easy to apply and absorbs quickly. It's got a great minty smell to it. I have seen a slight improvement in appearance. My thighs look slightly more toned and they appear more smooth. I will continue on with use and hopefully it will continue in the same vein that it has thus far.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Craft: Halloween Banner
I have been working on this idea for a while. I saw a Halloween banner on another blog site and loved it. It had annual pictures of a child in their costume and was made from scratch, with the banner parts looking more like pennants. Like I said, really cute but much too industrious for me and my attention span. I decided to re-vamp the project a bit and here's what I came up with.
The two most important things you need is a ready made banner( I found mine at Michaels) and scrapbook paper(also Michaels).I was so happy to find a tablet of Halloween variety that was 4 1/2" by 6 1/2 ". It was perfect.
You, also, need your pictures from each year, your corner rounder, your hole puncher, tape, twine and some labels(I found mine in the dollar bin at Target).
Punch a hole in the bottom of each letter of the banner. Take each picture and round the corners. Take a piece of scrapbook paper and round the corners on it, too. Affix the picture to the paper, punch a hole at the top and write the year on a label, affixing it to the bottom of the scrapbook paper picture. Cut a piece of twine and hang the picture from the hole you punched in the banner. Really easy peasey.
I still have to locate two of the previous years pictures...if this project hasn't taught me anything, it's taught me to not take your camera cards out of your camera and misplace them. Print those pictures right then. I, also, want to add that Jaylen loves it. The minute he came in the door, he got a chair and stood on it so he could see. It was great to watch him look at each and every picture. Project Success!!!!! I'll be adding this year's before Friday.
Yes, he is Chucky this year. Still on the fence about whether I'm thrilled with the choice or not. I have sweet memories of cows and superheroes past and they were so frickin' cute. The last couple of years we've seen a different trend....ghouls and ghastly. The funniest part about this costume pick, though, has been that #1--- he refuses to watch a Chucky movie and #2--- the mask even scares him!!! Here's wishing you a safe and fun Halloween 2014!!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Homemade Vegetable Soup
Like most people, the times when you were growing up with the tastes and smells of food you shared with your family around the table still live in us today. They are our comfort foods.... and they instantly make us feel better. For me, they don't even have to bring up any specific memories....but, still the same, it feels like home. One of those foods is the homemade vegetable soup my mom used to make. It's one of the few recipes I walked away from home with when I struck out on my own. There was no recipe per se ..... just watching my mom making it over the years. I started making it and adapted it for my own family.
You need 2-3 lbs of stew meat or pot roast(cubed). Cut it into smaller pieces. Put into a crock pot with water covering it by 1/2 inch. Cook on high for an hour.
Add 4 or 5 cut potatoes, 1-- 15 oz can of tomato sauce, and then your vegetables. You can add frozen or canned. If you opt for the canned variety, I always just dump in the can, vegetables and juice. I use 1 can of cut corn, 1 can of peas and 1 can of green beans(all 15 oz). Cook another 3 hours on high.
Serve with corn muffins or crackers.
I must add, it's good the first day and really yummy the second, too. Enjoy!!!!!
Monday, October 20, 2014
Review: True Sol Saffron

2014 Ornament Exchange
I get so excited for this time of year. Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas and all the wonderful things those holidays bring....too many to mention. Here is one of them I love....Christmas Ornament Exchanges. I was in Crossstitch Round Robins for years, when I was younger and didn't need reading glasses. Even with the reading glasses for me, I need great light. I digress though... my point is I love the idea of making something and exchanging it with someone I don't know and will never meet. Someone from a different country??? Even better. I came across this post this morning from one of the many blogs I subscribe to.... Dukes and Duchesses. Here is the post word for word..... I have already signed up and am very excited. The only thing I want to add on my own is make sure you can commit to this before you sign up. I would hate if someone was left empty handed November 24th. Enjoy!!!!!
‘Tis the season! Well, almost. But it’s definitely time to think about the season and we want to kick off the festivities with a Christmas Ornament Exchange!
I’m joining forces with Kelly from Live.Laugh.Rowe, Jenn from My Fabuless Life, and Ashley from Cherished Bliss for an ornament exchange with … YOU!
The Details:
The sign-up will close on November 1st. {International participants are welcome.}
The hosts will send out the assignments by November 8th.
Spend no more than $5 on an ornament {not including shipping}. The ornament can be handmade or storebought.
Please sign up only if you’re able to follow through and send an ornament. It’ll be such a bummer if everyone doesn’t get a package of happy mail. All ornaments must be shipped by November 23rd {but earlier is greater}.
We’d love to see your social media shares on twitter, facebook, google plus, and instagram! Use the hashtag #OrnamentSwap14. Show us the shopping, the crafting, the mailing, or anything you want. Feel free to tag us and we may share your post!
Everyone is welcome to participate but you must be 18 years of age or older. If you’re a blogger, we’d love to have you share the button on your sidebar.
Ready to spread the holiday cheer? Sign up here: and then find the perfect ornament for a partner!
The more, the merrier, right? Invite others to join in the fun by clicking the cute birdie and sharing the tweet!
Tweet: I signed up for #OrnamentSwap14 with @DukesnDuchesses, @LiveLaughRowe, @MyFabulessLife, and @CherishedBliss. Join us:
- See more at:
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Perkins Orchard
I blog about things I love and this is a family business I love where I live in Durham, North Carolina... about 1 mile from my house. I guess I need to start with a question. How many of you can say you have a local produce stand in your neighborhood that doesn't sit on the side of the road but at someone's residence in their yard? I do!!!! We have been here 30 years and it's always been a staple for us. I recently found out that they have been in existence for 44 years. Of course, over the years they have lengthened their driveway and it has gotten a lot bigger. The most incredible part of it is they even have an honor system when no one is manning it. They have a box and you just drop what you owe into it. Just reminds me of yesteryear... when people had integrity and trusted one another. The Perkins are always incredibly nice too... the type of folks that you want to be successful... and they are. So if you live in Durham and miraculously have never heard of their produce stand, check them out. Here's some pictures for your enjoyment:
This last one is of a Perkins family friend, Afam, who was helping customers on my last visit.... such a sweet kid!!!
Happy Fall Ya'll!!!!
Monday, October 13, 2014
Review: Argan Oil Hair Mask

Sunday, October 12, 2014
Painted Rug
I have been crafty for years. A lot of the desire comes from seeing an item I love with an outrageous price tag on it and thinking to myself "I can do that myself much cheaper". Plus, I love doing it...starting sometimes from nothing and making something really great out of it. I am constantly perusing the clearance aisles(Target is my favorite) and picking up things sometimes not even knowing what I am going to do with them initially. A lot of the ideas are not even my own either. I am a big Pinterest nut and I get ideas from that. I, also, get ideas from blogs that I run across. This painted rug idea is from one of those blogs, Dukes and Duchesses. It was so cute I had to have one.
All you need is a basket weave rug, painters tape, 2 colors of acrylic paint( 2 that will coordinate with the location of where it will go), and 2 cheap paint brushes.
Start taping off your stripes. I had not idea how big I wanted them until I got started. My suggestion for any kind of sense of conformity in size and color pattern is to tape off a stripe at one end...then go to the other end and tape off the same size stripe and so forth where you meet in the middle. This is what you'll end up with.
Now you can start painting. I have always loved the combo of chocolate brown and light blue so I choose those two colors. Start alternating the colors when you paint.
Let the paint dry(it dries quickly). Pull the painters tape off and look at how much prettier your rug is now.
I love mine and it looks terrific in the foyer by the front door. All I ended up paying for was the rug($10) and the paint(2@ $1.29). $13 for a new rug. SCORE!!!!!!
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