Friday, October 10, 2014

Holiday/ Seasonal Food items ..... and have we gone too far????

My post today is in reference to holiday( any holiday) or seasonal food items with that specific holiday or seasonal spin on the product and have we gone too far? For example, it used to be fall( or any season) would come and they would come out with a few select products with the seasonal version.... you know, like holiday M&Ms, or holiday/seasonal Oreos. I used to love it. They were limited in variety and you could anticipate the upcoming release of said product and it was great, right? Not so much anymore. EVERYTHING is made in a holiday/seasonal version and some of them are just dead wrong no matter how you look at it. Here are some pictures of recent visits to my local stores to demonstrate my point. Some look yummy and some, frankly, make me want to gag. You decide for yourself.
I would love to hear your take on it. Let me know your feelings about it..... and by the way, peeps, HAPPY FALL!!!!


  1. I totally agree with you. And some of the pictures you took make the product look very unappealing. And if it's unappealing to me (who loves junk food), I imagine the kids or their parents will find it equally so. During holidays, I buy very few holiday themed candy & only kinds I like. That way I can use the leftovers afterwards. Good article.

  2. My big sin is generally Hershey's or Mars chocolate so I don 't look at these much. I have to say though that my grandkids never met a piece of candy they didn't like!

  3. My grandboy doesn't either!!! lol

  4. Seems like each year there are new pumpkin flavored candies/foods/ treats. Those pumpkin seed tortilla chips sound good though. Carmel Apple Oreos don't sound appetizing at all.

  5. I know Carra. I'm just tired of the over excess. Thanks for checking my blog out!!!
